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internet technology and applications中文是什么意思

用"internet technology and applications"造句"internet technology and applications"怎么读"internet technology and applications" in a sentence


  • 网络技术与应用


  • With the rapid development of internet technologies and applications , web database application development has become the main stream and tendency
    随着internet技术及应用的迅猛发展, web数据库的应用开发已成为主流和发展趋势。
  • With the reemergence of an internet upsurge as well as the rapid development of internet technologies and applications , websites building sweeps the internet industry again
  • The ucaid is currently engaged in internet2 - a programme to jointly collaborate on the development of next generation of internet technologies and applications over a high speed network
  • Along with the swift and violent development of internet technology and application , the b / s pattern is more and more used in the information management system . therefore , it is imperatively to develop the application procedure based on the web . and there will be a broader prospect that the database technology unifies with the web technology
    随着internet技术及应用的迅猛发展,信息管理系统越来越多地采用b / s模式,这使得基于web的应用程序的开发势在必行,数据库技术更是需要和web技术相结合,才有更为广阔的前景。
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